The Eleventh Doctor Top Stories

Looking ahead to the return of Doctor Who in a couple weeks, I realize that I have reviewed a lot of the show, but never ranked the top episodes. Sounds like a project!

Starting with the Eleventh Doctor, I think I may differ from a lot of fans. I like his earlier stories more than the later ones. Those huge to-do specials that came with the fiftieth anniversary only rank 13th and 14th on my list. Here are my top 10 stories:

10. ā€œThe Eleventh Hourā€ 

The introduction to Eleven, and Amy. Looking back on all of the introductory episodes, this may be the best.

9. ā€œThe Impossible Astronautā€ and ā€œDay of the Moonā€ 

This story gave us one of the best monsters in the whole series, certainly the best monster design. And it has some of the scariest moments.

8. ā€œA Christmas Carolā€ 

A charming reimagining of the classic tale.

7. ā€œThe Time of Angelsā€ and ā€œFlesh and Stoneā€ 

Another great monster is brought back, but the character moments and hints at a greater plot overshadow them. And there is a long-game pay-off scene that is a joy to see play out.

6. ā€œVampires in Veniceā€ 

The Amy/Rory dynamic is one of the best companion ideas in Doctor Who. And the story that brings Rory onto the crew is a good one.

5. ā€œThe Angels Take Manhattanā€ 

Some of the paradoxes in this story are fun to tackle, but the most important aspect of this story comes at the end.

4. ā€œA Good Man Goes to Warā€ 

This is where Eleven goes from being a goofy, fun character to a potentially terrifying one. We have been told he is not necessarily a good guy before, but now he begins to wonder himself.

3. ā€œThe Pandorica Opensā€ and ā€œThe Big Bangā€ 

This is where we get to see just how dangerous this good guy we all like really can be.

2. ā€œAmyā€™s Choiceā€ 

Episodes like this one make Amy and Rory the best companions ever, and there are a lot of great ones with which to compete.

1. ā€œVincent and the Doctorā€ 

This episode transcends the series. I dare you to watch it and not be moved.


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