
Sometimes I just can’t understand
I trust your hand but I’m still afraid
Know all too well sometimes your plan
Feels like you need to drop me

I’d suggest my way but I know
That you have the whole picture in view
So I obey and follow your flow
And hope that your lead I can see

But sometimes when we talk…
I can’t concur
And I know it’s become
But whether it’s because
I don’t want to sign off or
My trust is too small
Too human

I drop the Amen


  1. Thanks for taking time to write out your thoughts about this terrible loss. It helps to process it.

  2. Perfectly stated in your poem. It makes no sense, this loss. We recently had another loss in the daughter of friends. She had a beautiful family, and now she is gone. They are left behind. Again, it doesn't make sense. I just got done emailing someone that I don't understand how things work out sometimes. Maybe one day I will see the big picture. At least I can trust that God has the big picture in mind, though like you said, my trust is too small. But still we must struggle on, putting our hand out in faith, stretching for His mighty hand. Here is my hand...


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