Church Leadership Ills (1Peter 5:1-5)

Peter lays out church leadership in terms that are, frankly, rarely followed these days. Experience in a myriad of churches all around the world shows me that most churches have more problems than they should, usually because these guidelines are not followed.

First, the eldersā€”however that translates in the church polity you followā€”are told three things. Shepherd, or watch over the church (1) with love and freely, not because ā€œit is your jobā€ (2) eagerly following Godā€™s will and leadership, not to improve your own condition in any way and (3) as an example of what all members should be like, not as a boss or a CEO.

On this side of things I would have to say I have seen quite a lot of transgression. The employee model of leadership in institutional church just doesnā€™t encourage Godly leadership. There are good leaders in churches, but they are sadly few in number.

Secondly, Peter tells those who are not elders or leaders a simple rule to follow: submit to your leaders.

In my own church tradition that is a hard trait to find. Where ā€œpriesthood of the believerā€ is oversimplified and married to the model where churches have ā€œhired helpā€ in the pulpit, there is little to no one following the leadership in the church. Except for perhaps the ā€œgood-old-boyā€ network of men who should be spiritual leaders, but who are too busy breaking Peterā€™s first instructions to find time to be examples of active church doing its job in the world.

To be fair, this is a collection of some of the extreme examples I have seen in my years and locations. However, the sad truth is that the traditional, institutional, cultural church is plagued with these problems and hasā€”as a resultā€”lost its ability to be church in the world the way God wants it to be.


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