Book Find: A Whole Store!

Arriving at the restaurant too early for our reservation, my friend told me, “There is a used English book store up the street a bit. Want to look around while we wait?”

That is a silly question to ask a bibliophile.

The Munich Readery claims to be the largest second-hand English book store in Germany. I cannot confirm that, but I can say it is wonderful. Something that they have that is harder to find in stores these days are ample amounts of older 50s-70s era paperbacks. They don’t do cover illustrations as beautiful as that anymore.

I resisted the temptation to scoop up dozens of mysteries. I even talked myself out of a copy of my favorite novel, the same edition that used to live on my parent’s shelf before it fell apart and had to be replaced… for now.

In the end I settled on a couple Rex Stout novels, one a 1st Edition. I am just glad this store is several hours away from home. It turns out, lack of access to such conveniences is perfect for a book hoarder. It keeps me from having to exercise control all the time and it makes them so much more special.


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