"Heroes" by Måns Zelmerlöw

The latest winner of the Eurovision Song Contest has been climbing the music charts across Europe and the world. It is certainly one of the most radio-worthy songs the contest has produced in quite a while. And, the performance at the contest itself was fun and innovative. It deserved the win.

However, at first glance, the lyrics seem a bit full of themselves. (And silly in places, “sing it like a hummingbird”?) “We are the heroes of our time.” People do say that Millennials think too highly of themselves as a generation. That is not what the song’s message is though.

Reading the verses, you see that this is a call to action, a reminder that this generation needs to wake up and stop being so self-obsessed:

Don’t tell the gods I left a mess
I can’t undo what has been done
Let’s run for cover

What if I’m the only hero left?
You better fire off your gun
Once and forever

He said go dry your eyes
And live your life like there is no tomorrow, son
And tell the others

And, when you come to the second verse, there are echoes of older, Christian prayers and devotional thoughts:

The crickets sing a song for you
Don’t say a word, don’t make a sound
It’s life’s creation

I make worms turn into butterflies
Wake up and turn this world around
In appreciation

He said I never left your side
When you were lost I followed right behind
Was your foundation

So, if people were to listen to the words of the pop tunes on the radio, maybe some would be inspired to lay aside the “demons in their minds” and step up to take action and responsibility in life. But, it will likely be off the charts in a couple weeks.


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