The Discipleship Dance

There is a video mash-up of dance scenes from many movies put to “Shut Up and Dance” by Walk the Moon. It takes the enjoyment of musicals and dance movies and pumps up the pleasure to sublime levels. Even though many scoff at such movies—at the way everybody just happens to know the dance moves or the song lyrics—I suspect we all have a level of desire to experience such a world.

And, while it is not a direct analogy, I also suspect that musicals are a good window into what heaven will be like. Into what the Kingdom of God that we already experience should be like.

By that I do not mean that heaven will be a place with spontaneous singing and dancing. (Although it could be.) In musicals there is a soundtrack. The characters do things to the beat of that music. They know the steps, they know the songs, and they dance and sing following the choreography. They don’t necessarily march in lock step, but they all—in their own way—contribute to the big picture. Sometimes they solo, sometimes they harmonize. Sometimes they form a part of the chorus.

In a similar way, the Kingdom of God has a rhythm and a score. When we follow Jesus and trust in God, we know the steps, we know the songs. We live life to the tune of God’s love. His peace and joy are our dance.

In heaven we will experience it in its fullness, but we also experience tastes of it in the here and now. And, if we do well, perhaps people will see the joy and want to join the dance.

(If the video below is unwatchable, the link above will take you to a site that should work.)


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