Carnivora (Part 2 Caniformia)
The dog-like carnivors have a bit more variety. Here are my top 14 favorites:
14. Darwin’s Fox (Lycalopex fulvipes )
This little species is exclusive to two sites in Chile, and it is unfortunately not surprising I never managed to see one. There are only an estimated 320 left in existence.
13. Brown Bear (Ursus arctos )

The largest of carnivores (along with perhaps the Polar Bear) these animals can be deadly, but friendly—almost tamed examples have been known.
12. Fennec Fox (Vulpes zerda )

The cutest of foxes.
11. Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes )

One of two stunning, red species of fuzzy creatures.
10. Eastern Spotted Skunk (Spilogale putorius )

I like the striped one too.
9. Common Raccoon ( Procyon lotor )

I don’t think I would like these as much if I really knew one. Sterling North, however, convinced me I love these.
8. Sea Otter ( Enhydra lutris )

Watch any video of this little guy and you will understand.
7. Polar Bear ( Ursus maritimus )

I always liked these guys, but one day at the National Zoo in D.C. watching one play underwater made me love them.
6. Least Weasel ( Mustela nivalis )
"Mustela nivalis (two, fighting)" by Ainalem from Ballycastle, Co. Antrim - Flickr. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons.
The smallest of carnivores, also one of the more ferocious.
5. Arctic Fox ( Vulpes lagopus )
The coolest of foxes.
4. North American River Otter ( Lontra Canadensis )
These guys play. ‘nough said.
3. Giant Panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca )
"Panda Cub from Wolong, Sichuan, China" by Original uploader was Sheilalau at en.wikipedia - Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here.. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
These animals are proof not only of intelligent design, but graphic, intelligent design.
2. Grey Wolf, Dog ( Canis lupus )

I have had several of these as friends.
1. Red Panda ( Ailurus fulgens )

Find a video online of these guys playing in the snow.
14. Darwin’s Fox (Lycalopex fulvipes )
This little species is exclusive to two sites in Chile, and it is unfortunately not surprising I never managed to see one. There are only an estimated 320 left in existence.
13. Brown Bear (Ursus arctos )

The largest of carnivores (along with perhaps the Polar Bear) these animals can be deadly, but friendly—almost tamed examples have been known.
12. Fennec Fox (Vulpes zerda )

The cutest of foxes.
11. Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes )

One of two stunning, red species of fuzzy creatures.
10. Eastern Spotted Skunk (Spilogale putorius )

I like the striped one too.
9. Common Raccoon ( Procyon lotor )

I don’t think I would like these as much if I really knew one. Sterling North, however, convinced me I love these.
8. Sea Otter ( Enhydra lutris )

Watch any video of this little guy and you will understand.
7. Polar Bear ( Ursus maritimus )

I always liked these guys, but one day at the National Zoo in D.C. watching one play underwater made me love them.
6. Least Weasel ( Mustela nivalis )
"Mustela nivalis (two, fighting)" by Ainalem from Ballycastle, Co. Antrim - Flickr. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons.
The smallest of carnivores, also one of the more ferocious.
5. Arctic Fox ( Vulpes lagopus )
4. North American River Otter ( Lontra Canadensis )

3. Giant Panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca )
"Panda Cub from Wolong, Sichuan, China" by Original uploader was Sheilalau at en.wikipedia - Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is/was here.. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
These animals are proof not only of intelligent design, but graphic, intelligent design.
2. Grey Wolf, Dog ( Canis lupus )

I have had several of these as friends.
1. Red Panda ( Ailurus fulgens )

Find a video online of these guys playing in the snow.
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