Top Ten Christmas Films

This list is likely anti-climactic for those who know me or read this blog, but here are my top ten, highest rated, feature films about Christmas:

10. “Scrooged” (1988)

More on this later in the week, but I first saw this one this year. It might be my least favorite adaptation of the story, but the story is so powerful. Or I may just drop it and put "Nightmare" back on.

9. “A Muppet Christmas Carol” (1992)

What does it say about the story that they chose/had to make Scrooge a human being and not a Muppet?

8. “Elf” (2003)

This is about as silly as Christmas can get.

7. “We’re No Angels” (1955)

Where did comedies like this go?

6. “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947)

And I am not a big fan of Santa.

5. “Home Alone” (1990)

This is as violent as Christmas can get.

4. “White Christmas” (1954)

I do not know why I like this film as much as I do. I think I like it ironically.

3. “A Christmas Story” (1983)

How is it that I have a nostalgia for a time 30 years before my birth?

2. “A Christmas Carol” (1984)

This is still the best version of the story for me. I have yet to see the Jim Carey version, but the trailer puts me off every single time I consider it.

1. “It’s a Wonderful Life” (1946)

My favorite film is a Christmas film.


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