Jesus' Resurrection (Mark 15:40-16:8)

The way Mark frames the story of Jesus’ burial and resurrection is fascinating and unique. We see most of the story through the eyes of the women who followed Jesus. They are there at the cross, they find out where He is hastily buried before the Sabbath begins, and they are there at the crack of dawn on Sunday to attend to the body.

One can only imagine the emotions of Jesus’ followers. The men mostly scattered. Their hopes of a messianic kingdom dashed, they are fearful of facing the same fate as Jesus. The women stick around, or at least these four do. Their reactions indicate more of an emotional reaction of loss. The hopes of the kingdom are gone, but so is the man. Their loyalty remains and they want to do right by Him right up to the end.

No one really knows why the earliest manuscripts do not contain the last portion of Mark. Ultimately, the text that has been handed down to us do have the rest of the story, so we will address those events. However, it is also very interesting to see the way the resurrection is initially received. The women finally do run away—just as the men did, in fear—only they do it when it makes the most sense. Once they have encountered the supernatural at its most powerful. The disciples feared the Roman Empire and the political powers of the day. These women are finally terrified when they see an angel and hear that the Lord has indeed risen as He promised.

That is a reasonable reaction to the way the story unfolded. How do you handle the awe that this story inspires? Does it even impact you still?


  1. It's amazing how familiar it can all become and how easy it is for the thought of or reading about Jesus' resurrection can have no impact on us.


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