"Odd Thomas" (2014)

Earlier this year, after legal disputes and delays, a little supernatural thriller was released on DVD and demand. “Odd Thomas” is the story of a man with a gift. He sees dead people and spiritual forces. He uses that gift to right wrongs, solve crimes, and bring about justice. He could conceivably be a “super hero” or at least a celebrity psychic, but he has a conviction that his gifts are from God and need to be used quietly and as led by Him.

In this story his little town is the scene of a significant evil plot, driven by Satan worshipers that Odd has to stop. It is exciting, a little scary and dramatically devastating in the end.

This is based on a book written by Dean Koontz. Apparently, he is a man of faith who tries to communicate some of his beliefs and opinions through his writings. What is refreshing about Odd Thomas is that it is mostly about telling a story, not preaching a message. However, the truths and ideas come through, without beating the hearer over the head.

The film is a lot of fun, but I don’t get the impression it will get any sequels, unlike the book which has several. I may have to check them out.


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