"De Musica Ligera"

Ella durmió al calor de las masas
Y yo desperté queriendo soñarla
Algún tiempo atrás pensé en escribirle
Que nunca sortié las trampas del amor
De aquel amor de música ligera
Nada nos libra nada más queda
No le enviare cenizas de rosas
Ni pienso evitar un roce secreto

In honor of the Argentine win over the Netherlands in today’s semifinal (which I don’t so much celebrate, as I am a Chile fan but being even more of a German fan I feel Argentina is a better option to play in the final) I thought I’d loosely translate my favorite song from my favorite Argentine group, Soda Sterio. The song is an enigmatic poem entitled “De Musica Ligera” or, as I like to see it, “Concerning Easy Listening.”

She slept in the heat of the masses
And I awoke wanting to dream her
Some time back I thought of writing her
That I never did figure out the traps of love
Of the love of easy listening
Nothing saves us, nothing remains
I won’t send her rose ashes
Nor will I avoid a secret brush

When they perform it, I really here a different line from what they claim to sing. Instead of nothing remains, it really sounds like Cerati sings nothing more than to give (nada más que dar) rendering the line:

Nothing saves us, nothing else but to give.


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