The Cutural Conversation

I have yet to make it out to see “Noah.” It isn’t for lack of trying, however. I have been planning to see it with someone for 3 weeks now and we just can’t make our calendars match up. Some people I know think I have no business watching a movie like that, but for the life of me I can’t see why it isn’t actually my responsibility to go see it.

My highest purpose in life is to talk about God and make Him known. In a culture where God is not a popular topic of conversation—and faith in Him is even a taboo topic—I take any opportunity I can to jump into ongoing conversations involving anything remotely relating to the idea. So, if Hollywood makes a film adaptation of a Bible story or tell a story involving spirituality or faith, however poorly, I am going to talk about it.

And, while I’m at it, my slant is not going to be primarily about how bad the film was or how evil their take on it may be. The only people interested in that conversation are the haters and the self-appointed culture police. They think they already know all there is to know about God and I have no need nor interest engaging in that debate. I will seek out the curious, the interested people who—thanks to some secular film or book or TV show—are beginning to ask themselves questions they have never considered before.

Some would even go so far as to say it is a sin to support such filmmakers financially. To them I would say my individual ticket fee is not going to make much of a difference to a filmmaker, and any organized effort by any mass of people to have a greater impact through some boycott only increases curiosity—and profit—for such “entertainment.” And don’t the same people who criticize financially supporting such evils as movies tend to throw their money at companies or organizations that profit from gluttony, gossip, oppressing the poor, or other evils?

Truth be told, this is not an issue of entertainment. Most of the time these high drama or epic action movies tend to be unentertaining. They are either too preachy or too loosely adapted, or simply take themselves too seriously. But the point of seeing them is not a diversion. It is a part of a large, global cultural conversation and it is our responsibility as light in the world to take part.


  1. Amen brother. I've had one conversation as a result of this movie and I haven't even seen it.

  2. Here is another good perspective on Noah specifically:


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