Genus: Vipera
Systematics is a fascinating science. It is a perfect picture of the Modern impulse to try to classify everything, and how feeble that endeavor is. In the Order Serpentes, for example, things change so much. In the three or so decades that I have watched things, the family structure of Serpentes has changed multiple times going from around eight families to eighteen and whole families have been absorbed and split as scientists make arguments for better systems.
This is a fascinating order, and as always I have a hard time narrowing the interesting examples down to a few favorites. So, here are my ten favorite genera from the family Vipera (around 236 total species):
10. Vipera
The āboringā plain genus including the most common, European types is fascinating due to its close association with our Western culture.
Vipera berus Common European Adder
Vipera ammodytes Horend Viper
9. Echis
Desert vipers from Africa and the Middle East. Highly poisonous and interesting due to their tendancy to stridulate. Possible candidate for the āfiery serpentsā from the Book of Numbers.
Echis pyramidum Egyptian Saw-scaled Viper
8. Cerastes
Another stridulating, desert species. They bury themselves in sand and wait for passing prey. A picture of this species in National Geographic Explorer Magazine freaked me out about deserts.
Cerastes cerastes Saharan Horned Viper
7. Bitis
The heaviest, and one of the most beautiful vipers. Gaboons have the longest fangs.
Bitis gabonica Gaboon Viper
6. Sistrurus
One of two genera known as rattlesnakes. These are a little smaller and are often pretty little snakes. Whenever I found a Great Plains Ratsnake in the wild I would always have to consider closely before grapping, as the look a lot like the Massasauga. Pigmy rattlesnakes are so small they are hard to consider threatening.
Sistrurus catenatus Massasauga
Sistrurus miliarius Pigmy Rattlesnake
5. Atheris
Coolest looking?
Atheris hispida Spiny Bush Viper
4. Tropidolaemus
These are famous due to a high concentration that live inside an Asian temple. Supposedly, these worshiped serpents do not bite their adorers.
Tropidolaemus wagleri Waglerās Pit Viper or Temple Viper
3. Crotalus
The bigger rattlesnake genus. Maybe the most famous and legendary snakes. Some are very beautiful, all are not to be messed with. Crotalus atrox is the only viper I have ever captured and held.
Crotalus atrox Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
Crotalus cerastes Sidewinder
Crotalus horridus Timber Rattlesnake
Crotalus Lepidus Rock Rattlesnake
2. Agkistrodon
Boring genus if it werenāt for the fact that the most beautiful North American species of snake belonged to it.
Agkistrodon contortrix Copperhead
1. Bothriechis
The palm vipers are the prettiest, most evil looking things going.
Bothriechis schleglii Eyelash Palm-pitviper
Bothriechis aurifer Yellow-blotched Palm-pitviper
(Photos are from Wikipedia)
This is a fascinating order, and as always I have a hard time narrowing the interesting examples down to a few favorites. So, here are my ten favorite genera from the family Vipera (around 236 total species):
10. Vipera
The āboringā plain genus including the most common, European types is fascinating due to its close association with our Western culture.
Vipera berus Common European Adder
Vipera ammodytes Horend Viper
9. Echis
Desert vipers from Africa and the Middle East. Highly poisonous and interesting due to their tendancy to stridulate. Possible candidate for the āfiery serpentsā from the Book of Numbers.
Echis pyramidum Egyptian Saw-scaled Viper
8. Cerastes
Another stridulating, desert species. They bury themselves in sand and wait for passing prey. A picture of this species in National Geographic Explorer Magazine freaked me out about deserts.
Cerastes cerastes Saharan Horned Viper
7. Bitis
The heaviest, and one of the most beautiful vipers. Gaboons have the longest fangs.
Bitis gabonica Gaboon Viper
6. Sistrurus
One of two genera known as rattlesnakes. These are a little smaller and are often pretty little snakes. Whenever I found a Great Plains Ratsnake in the wild I would always have to consider closely before grapping, as the look a lot like the Massasauga. Pigmy rattlesnakes are so small they are hard to consider threatening.
Sistrurus catenatus Massasauga
Sistrurus miliarius Pigmy Rattlesnake
5. Atheris
Coolest looking?
Atheris hispida Spiny Bush Viper
4. Tropidolaemus
These are famous due to a high concentration that live inside an Asian temple. Supposedly, these worshiped serpents do not bite their adorers.
Tropidolaemus wagleri Waglerās Pit Viper or Temple Viper
3. Crotalus
The bigger rattlesnake genus. Maybe the most famous and legendary snakes. Some are very beautiful, all are not to be messed with. Crotalus atrox is the only viper I have ever captured and held.
Crotalus atrox Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
Crotalus cerastes Sidewinder
Crotalus horridus Timber Rattlesnake
Crotalus Lepidus Rock Rattlesnake
2. Agkistrodon
Boring genus if it werenāt for the fact that the most beautiful North American species of snake belonged to it.
Agkistrodon contortrix Copperhead
1. Bothriechis
The palm vipers are the prettiest, most evil looking things going.
Bothriechis schleglii Eyelash Palm-pitviper
Bothriechis aurifer Yellow-blotched Palm-pitviper
(Photos are from Wikipedia)
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