Boas and Pythons
Harboring a respect (read fear) to go along with my fascination, I am not a big fan of big snakes. So my list of favored boides does not read like a list of record breakers. That being said, there are a lot of smaller boas and pythons that are wonderful snakes, and more fun as you can interact with them. (If you were inclined to do so.)
10. Python bivittatus (Burmese Python)
This is the largest species on my list, and only because I (begrudgingly) think it is beautiful and because of the interesting development of this species introduction to Florida. (And that is not a good story.)
9. Morelia spilota (Carpet or Diamond Python)
This may be the prettiest python.
8. Boa constrictor (uhh, hello?)
This species gets too big for me to REALLY like, but the ones I have encountered were nice enough. When my oldest was five years old, we met a 4-5 foot specimen that he handled all by himself without fear, which is more than I can say I did.
7. Corallus annulatus (Annulated Tree Boa)
Corallus is an enchanting (or maybe mesmerizing) genus.
6. Corallus caninus (Emerald Tree Boa)
The emerald variety is perhaps the most famous, and in my opinion Corallus caninus is much more beautiful than Morelia viridis. (The Green Tree Python) Although the juvinile of that species is very cool looking:
5. Python regius (Ball or Royal Python)
Of all the pythons in the nominal genus, this is the smallest and therefore my favorite. If I were to own one, it would be this one orā¦
4. Antaresia perthensis (Pygmy or Anthill Python)
The Anthill Python is the smallest of all pythons, and apparently makes a pretty good pet.
3. Charina bottae (Rubber Boa)
However, my favorite boides are from the family Boidae. Charina is the only genus found in North America, so it holds a special place in my heart.
2. Eryx jayakari (Saudia Arabian Sand Boa)
The sand boas, are small and beautifully colored. I once saw some of these in a pet store and was sorely tempted, the prohibitive price is all that stopped me.
1. Charina trivirgata (Rosy Boa)
The Rosy Boa is, without competition, my favorite. It can be found in the US, it is small, pretty and non-aggressive. That being said, the only one I ever saw in person (at a reptile convention) bit the woman who handed it to me. (She had just been handling rats and forgot to wash her hands.)
(Pictures all from Wikipedia)
10. Python bivittatus (Burmese Python)
This is the largest species on my list, and only because I (begrudgingly) think it is beautiful and because of the interesting development of this species introduction to Florida. (And that is not a good story.)
9. Morelia spilota (Carpet or Diamond Python)
This may be the prettiest python.
8. Boa constrictor (uhh, hello?)
This species gets too big for me to REALLY like, but the ones I have encountered were nice enough. When my oldest was five years old, we met a 4-5 foot specimen that he handled all by himself without fear, which is more than I can say I did.
7. Corallus annulatus (Annulated Tree Boa)
Corallus is an enchanting (or maybe mesmerizing) genus.
6. Corallus caninus (Emerald Tree Boa)
The emerald variety is perhaps the most famous, and in my opinion Corallus caninus is much more beautiful than Morelia viridis. (The Green Tree Python) Although the juvinile of that species is very cool looking:
5. Python regius (Ball or Royal Python)
Of all the pythons in the nominal genus, this is the smallest and therefore my favorite. If I were to own one, it would be this one orā¦
4. Antaresia perthensis (Pygmy or Anthill Python)
The Anthill Python is the smallest of all pythons, and apparently makes a pretty good pet.
3. Charina bottae (Rubber Boa)
However, my favorite boides are from the family Boidae. Charina is the only genus found in North America, so it holds a special place in my heart.
2. Eryx jayakari (Saudia Arabian Sand Boa)
The sand boas, are small and beautifully colored. I once saw some of these in a pet store and was sorely tempted, the prohibitive price is all that stopped me.
1. Charina trivirgata (Rosy Boa)
The Rosy Boa is, without competition, my favorite. It can be found in the US, it is small, pretty and non-aggressive. That being said, the only one I ever saw in person (at a reptile convention) bit the woman who handed it to me. (She had just been handling rats and forgot to wash her hands.)
(Pictures all from Wikipedia)
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