Oscar Nom Thoughts:

I am used to being disappointed with the Oscar announcements each year, both because I usually am let down about what didn’t make the list and don’t like a lot that did. This is the first year in a long time, though, where I have yet to see ANY of the major players. Even worse, there are some I have no intention of seeing, alongside others I am merely willing to see. There are just a couple I for which have anything approximating an interest

First, those I won’t be seeing. I have problems with the way these “true stories” are being presented:

“The Wolf of Wall Street”
“Captain Philips”

Then there are those that could be great, but look like a lot of work to get through:

“Dallas Buyers Club”
“12 Years a Slave”

A couple look interesting, and I usually like these directors, but am fearing let-down more than usual:


Finally, the two I am genuinely interested in seeing:

“American Hustle”

We’ll see how invested I manage to be in the ceremony this year…


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