Mark Outline Part 2

I. Introduction 1:1-115

1. Title Statement 1:1
2. John’s Ministry 1:2-8
3. Jesus’ Baptism 1:9-11
4. Jesus’ Temptation 1:12, 13
5. John Arrested, Jesus’ Ministry Begins 1:14, 15

II. The Public Ministry 1:16-8:26

A. Authority “New Wine” 1:16-3:12
1. “Fishers of Men” [A Disciple Story] 1:16-20
2. Jesus heals a possessed man. [Authority in teaching] 1:21-28
3. Jesus heals many sick. [Authority over natural maladies] 1:29-39
4. Jesus heals a leper. [Authority over supernatural maladies] 1:40-45
5. Jesus heals a paralytic. [Authority over sin] 2:1-12
6. The Calling of Levi [Jesus came for sinners] 2:13-17
7. Question about Fasting [Jesus brings a new message] 2:18-22
8. Question about Sabbath [Jesus is Lord over tradition] 2:23-28
9. [A note of rejection] 3:1-6
10. [A summary of ministry] 3:7-12

B. Teaching “The Kingdom” 3:13-6:6
1. “The Appointment of the Twelve” [A Disciple Story] 3:13-19
2. “Kingdoms and Family” [God’s people hear Him.] 3:20-35
3. Parable: The Sower [The Gospel is heard variously] 4:1-20
4. Parable: The Lamp [God’s people spread the Gospel] 4:21-25
5. Parable: Growth [The mystery of the Gospel] 4:26-29
6. Parable: Mustard Seed [The impact of the Gospel] 4:30-34
7. Jesus stills a storm. [Authority over natural realm] 4:35-41
8. The Gerasine Demoniac [Authority over supernatural realm] 5:1-20
9. Two more healings [Authority over death] 5:21-43
10. [A note of rejection] 6:1-6a
11. [A summary of ministry] 6:6b

C. Mission “The Call” 6:7-8:26
1. “The Mission of the Twelve” [A Disciple Story] 6:7-13
2. “The Death of John” 6:14-29
3. “The Feeding of the 5,000” 6:30-44
4. “Walking on Water” 6:45-52
5. Jesus heals many sick. 6:53-56
6. “Tradition and Defilement” 7:1-23
7. “The Syrophoenician Woman” 7:24-30
8. “The Deaf-Mute” 7:31-37
9. “The Feeding of the 4,000” 8:1-9
10. The Leaven of the Pharisees [A note of rejection] 8:10-21
11. The Blind man in Bethsaida [A summary of ministry] 8:22-26

III. The Passion 8:27-16:8

A. The Road to the Cross “The Cost of Discipleship” 8:27-10:52
1. The First Passion Prediction
“WHO AM I?” Peter’s Confession at Caesarea Philippi. 8:27-30
The 1st passion prediction; Jesus rebukes the disciples.8:31-33
The cost of discipleship, “take up your cross.” 8:34-38
2. The Transfiguration
Jesus meets Elijah and Moses on the mountain. 9:1-8
Jesus explains the prophecy to Peter, James, and John. 9:9-13
3. A Possession Requiring Prayer 9:14-29
4. The Second Passion Prediction
The 2nd passion prediction; disciples don’t understand. 9:30-32
Greatness in the Kingdom. 9:33-37
Competition in the Kingdom. 9:38-41
Hindrances into the Kingdom. 9:42-48
Saltiness. 9:49,50
5. Teaching on Marriage and Divorce 10:1-12
6. Blessing the Children 10:13-16
7. Riches
The Rich Young Ruler. 10:17-22
The impossibility of entering the Kingdom. 10:23-27
Sacrifices for the Kingdom’s sake. 10:28-31
8. The Third Passion Prediction
The 3rd passion prediction. 10:32-34
Service in the Kingdom. 10:35-45
9. Blind Bartimaeus 10:46-52


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