2013 NonModen in Review

In a more laid-back year of blogging, NonModern had only 223 entries for 2013. That is an average of just over 4 a week. Around 80 posts concerned film, 29 television, and 42 missional issues. I finished commenting my way through the Pauline Epistles, and started working on the Gospel of Mark. Here are 30 or so of the most read posts of 2013:


“Rise of the Guardians” (2012) 

“Wreck It Ralph” and the Problem of Evil 

Dogmas, Beliefs, Ideas (4 Parts)

Faith in “Salmon Fishing in the Yemen” 

“The Day the Earth Stood Still” (1951) 

A Biblical Reading of “Warm Bodies” (2013) 


I wrote just ten poems this year. Billy Collins has said that everyone has 200 bad poems in them, so I am getting ever closer to my complete volume of terrible works. Then I’ll likely have to quit because no one ever said that there were good poems to follow the bad…

Haughty Exercise 


Naïf’s Lament 

A Little Whisper in Your Heart 

Topic: Gothic 3 



When the Frost is in the City 

A Voyeuristic Killer 

Christmas Eve in Dresden 

Television, Literature, Music, etc. 

Star Trek Deep Space Nine (Season 4a) 

I slowed down quite a bit this year, but the continuation of my examination of the Trek universe generated the most hits this year. DS9 posts have thousands of hits, and this one from early in the year has the most of any of them.

Looking back, it seems I merely read two books this year:

A (very) Brief Look at “The Cuckoo’s Calling” 

“The Prague Cemetery” by Umberto Eco 

“Stardust” and Post-Christian Spirituality 

"Applaus Applaus" by Sportfreunde Stiller

Sci-Fi Television Lists 

Manipulative Memes 

Ministry and Missional Thoughts 

Ministry Implications for Social Networking and Social Networking Implications for Ministry

I was asked to give a talk about this topic this year, and the posts keep generating hits every day.

With apologies to all the Pharisees I have known and loved… 

One of those news stories at the end of the year, or more precisely the reaction to the story, generated a spontaneous reaction out of me. It quickly shot up to the fourth most viewed post of the year in just two days.

Missional Myths Series (3 Parts)

Mark Introduction and Outline 

The Semantics of Mercy and Grace (3 Parts)

The Complete Implications of Optical Illusions 

Syncretism in American Christianity 

The Parable of the Zoo-Keeper


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