"Hot Fuzz" (2007)

Looking ahead to the third in the Cornetto Trilogy, revisited the second instalment “Hot Fuzz.” (“Shaun of the Dead” is a film I have re-watched a lot more frequently, as well as reviewed.)

One of the appeals of these films, beyond the well written comedy and great comedic timing of the ensembles, is the way they also endeavor to comment on some aspect of society. If “Shawn” reflected on the meaningless routine of modern existence, “Hot Fuzz” explores the tension between the order established in society through laws and the ways they are enforced, and the limitations that should be maintained against governments having too much control.

Nicholas Angel is the perfect example of a police officer. He is so good, in fact, that he is sent away from London to a small village because he is making everyone else look so bad. His new assignment in the small village is the very definition of boredom because it is so idyllic and perfect. In fact, it is considered the safest village in all of England.

Of course, anyone who knows human nature knows that something must be up. And it does turn out that Nicholas stumbles upon a series of grisly murders that appear to be tied into a conspiracy to profit from a new highway scheduled to be built through the area.

As it turns out, the murders are motivated by a sentiment much closer to Nicholas’ own heart—order and standards in the village. By the climax the film has become a full-on parody of the high octane action flicks it is satirizing, but observant viewers are left with a pretty clever reminder that too much law and order is just as bad as none at all. The government, and a codified law, are merely societal controls and protections—not the means to change hearts and make the world a better place.


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