Purpose Dictates Process (Mark 1:29-39)

In these brief accounts of Christ healing people in Capernaum, we see several interesting things that can be missed if we are not careful.

The authority with which Christ taught had made Him a bit of a celebrity in the district. Today we would capitalize on this popularity and get the message out as broadly as possible. We would market the ministry, create a brand, and set up some sort of ministry center. And yet, Christ is focused on something else. He slips away with His disciples into a private house. We get the impression that discipleship is an important aspect of His mission.

We see Christ’s authority further demonstrated as He heals sicknesses. He has authority over natural maladies. Peter’s mother-in-law, followed by many from the “whole city” who had found them at the house are healed. He continues to subdue and exorcise demons, not allowing them to speak as they would in effect make His celebrity greater.

As soon as He can, He gets away by Himself. Everyone is looking for Him. Time to take things to the next level and organize the following? No. Once again He just grabs the disciples and gets away to surrounding cities to preach the message.

Jesus was all about spreading the Gospel. However, His approach went against everything we know about marketing. In these initial stages we see Him doing everything to control the message. He is the one preaching. He is focusing a lot of His time in just a few, preparing them to carry the work. He heals, but not to solve all the world’s problems. Every miracle He performs demonstrates His power which reinforces His message: “The time has come and the Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and trust in the good news.”


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