Fulfilling the Call (2 Timothy 4:1-8)

Here is the most comprehensive charge to the Christian. Fulfill your ministry! Some struggle with this concept. How do we know when we have completed our mission, or our part in God’s mission. Paul makes it pretty clear. Whether or not you think Paul really did die shortly after penning this letter, or that he continued to minister some time, he thought he was at the end. For Paul the length of ministry is the same as that of life. Retirement comes one the other side of eternity.

As to what is entailed in Timothy’s (and all of us reading this letter) ministry it is rather simply. Share the story, preach the Word… the Gospel. We have already been told that Scripture is useful for teaching reproof correction and training. Now we are told to be ready at all times to do just that: correct, rebuke, exhort, and teach. Basically, we are to use the Word to inform everything we do as we train others in the life with Christ. And all with a good dose of patience. That is something we don’t hear too much these days in leadership training.


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