Sci-Fi Television Lists

I recently encountered an interesting list of the top 50 Science Fiction themed TV shows of all time at IGN. It is not a new list, but it got me to thinking about what my favorite ones would beā€”and how limited my TV viewing has been in this, one of my favorite genres. Some of the shows would fit into a ā€œguilty pleasureā€ or ā€œfond memories of childhood list.ā€ Shows mostly from the seventies and eighties like: ā€œThe Six Million Dollar Man,ā€ ā€œThe Battle of the Planets,ā€ ā€œBuck Rodgers,ā€ ā€œV,ā€ and "Robotech." There are some truly great shows here too, though. So, here are two lists of 15. The top 15 I have to seek out, and my 15 Favorite Sci-Fi Shows so far:

Need to See:

ā€œThe Prisonerā€

ā€œStar Trek: The Animated Seriesā€

ā€œRed Dwarfā€

ā€œAdventures of Briscoe County, Jr.ā€

ā€œBabylon 5ā€

ā€œStar Trek: Voyagerā€

ā€œStargate SG1ā€




ā€œThe Lone Gunmenā€

ā€œStar Trek: Enterpriseā€

ā€œBattlestar Galactica (2004)ā€



Top 15

15. ā€œThe Invadersā€ (1967-68)

I have vivid memories of the few episodes I saw as a kid. The idea of an infiltration going unnoticed, and the desperation of a man trying to reveal the conspiracy is rich and has been tapped often since. The ā€œgive-awayā€ here of the unbendable pinkies was a fun idea.

14. ā€œThe Wild, Wild Westā€ (1965-69)

Goes beyond childhood fond memory as it still works for me today. Almost steam-punk.

13. ā€œThe Outer Limitsā€ (1963-65)

Not quite as good as number 3 on my list, but the same basic show.

12. ā€œQuantum Leapā€ (1989-93)

Sometimes a bit too melodramatic, and more about people than concepts than most Sci-fi. Still one of the best series of television ever.

11. ā€œMillenniumā€ (1996-99)

The X Files gone even darker and more foreboding. Not for the faint of heart. Boasting on of my single favorite episodes of television ever produced.

10. ā€œFringeā€ (2008-13)

Still working through this one, but the best true offspring of a show like The X Files.

9. ā€œStar Trek: Deep Space Nineā€ (1993-99)

Also working through this one currently. For Trek, it is unusually concerned with conflict, politics, and religion.

8. ā€œStar Trekā€ (1966-69)

One of the most influential TV shows, science fiction concepts, and religions (letā€™s face it, it is) of our age.

7. ā€œLife on Marsā€ (2006-7) Season 1 Season 2

One of the more original TV concepts ever.

6. ā€œFireflyā€ (2002)

Science Fiction meets Western with class and great writing.

5. ā€œStar Trek: The Next Generationā€ (1987-94)

Still my favorite of the Treks. (But I do need to see more.)

4. ā€œLostā€ (2004-10)

Some felt that it lost its way towards the end, but I love the mystery.

3. ā€œThe Twilight Zoneā€ (1959-64)

The best example of Science Fiction used to sneak real messages into the cultural conversation.

2. ā€œThe X Filesā€ (1993-2002)

This is where this genre began to explore and be open to the unexplainable as an acceptable topic to explore.

1. ā€œDoctor Whoā€ (1963-current)

Itā€™s been around forever (and enough to have some examples of the worst of Science Fiction television as well) and has a concept broad enough to explore anything the writers feel like tackling.


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