A Faithful Heritage (2 Timothy 1:3-5)

What a blessing a heritage of faith is! Paul begins his second letter to Timothy—likely the last letter we have from him—with his usual prayer of thanks. Here the thanksgiving is to those who have gone before us on the way with God.

It is a tremendous blessing when we have the example of a family of faith, people who have had a relationship with God and who raise us up in that way of life. Faith is often easier in a household of faith. My own example of faith would be unimaginable without the faithful examples I can point to in my parents, my grandparents, and even uncles, aunts and siblings. Of all the amazing gifts I can list that I have received from God in my life, the blessing of my family may be at the top of my list.

The truth is, though, that every follower of Jesus has a household of faith. Even those that don’t come to know Jesus until late in their lives; those who have grown up without any witness in their biological family. The church is not just illustrated by the comparison to a family; it is the family of God. We come to faith in a household. Some may try to point to people who hear the Gospel in an isolated instance and “come to faith” on their own, but the truth is that being a disciple of Jesus is something that occurs in community. We need each other.


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