"Stardust" and Post-Christian Spirituality

One of the more popular songs in Germany these days is “Stardust” performed by Lena Meyer-Landrut. For those of you readers unfamiliar with her, she was Germany’s latest winner in the Eurovision Song Contest a few years ago. For those unfamiliar with that contest, just go with it…

The song is musically engaging. It is as though they composed it with scientific data as to what are the essential components of a moving, rousing anthem. The lyrics, on the other hand, are nonsensically stupid. They don’t really mean anything.

It is a good picture of current spirituality. People want faith. They want to believe in something, it just has to be something that doesn’t really mean anything substantial that would demand us to act. We want platitudes and not the sort of faith that demands trust, putting something on the line so to speak.

The lyrics of the chorus give you a taste of what we’re talking about:

So no one can catch us
nothing can change this
covered in stardust
Invincible and
jumping off the edge
reaching for the moon
living everyday
invincible like:
oho oh oh oh oh
oho oh oh oh oh
oho oh oh oh oh

What does it mean that THIS can’t be changed? What THIS? How are we covered in Stardust? Just how are we invincible? And what is it like to be “Oho oh oh oh?” Even poetically speaking, this song is noncommittal in its message.

This song has been chosen as the title song for a German film, “Jesus Loves Me” based on a popular book by David Safier. If it ends up being at all popular in these parts I am sure I will be watching it and reviewing it at some point.

Video for the song can be found here.

The trailer for the film (in German) is below:


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