"Safety Not Guaranteed" (2012)

In one of the more interesting, thought provoking stories of the year, the Duplass Brothers turn to science fiction. Well, not science fiction the way it has come to be understood exactly. This is more like the quirky drama preceding a science fiction tale.

The premise is simple. An ad is placed in the classifieds asking for someone to accompany a time traveler on his journey. Some magazine reporters decide to investigate, and issues of trust, faith and relationships ensue.

The most engaging aspect of this story is the way it communicates a real exploration of faith and trust. Can we believe—not simply in an idea—but in a person who is proposing an idea that demands a life-change. And what makes it even more compelling, is that it does not simply remain theoretical. This is not faith in the popular, postmodern, whatever-works-to-keep-you-going-regardless-of-veracity way. In this case, as in real life, it matters if the guy you are trusting is for real or merely crazy.

In some ways, this is a good picture of the faith of a Jesus follower. Ultimately our faith is in a person with whom we have a relationship. Not some friend who led us to a savior, but the Savior Himself. We either trust the idea that Jesus brought, or we don’t, but even then it is more that we trust Him and not our simple understanding of His Truth. It is a relationship.

And in the end, it will make a huge difference if Jesus really is God, or if He was just a manic dreamer. In part it is that hope, that conviction of things unseen that makes the relationship so thrilling.

[Please note the “not a recommendation” tag. That is used here to designate content that some may find offensive.]


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