Lincoln, Evil, and a Wasted Effort

"Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter" will ultimately go down as one of the more disappointing films of 2012, and not just because it is a terrible movie. Oh, and it is terrible. This film can never decide what it wants to be. A horror film? It is not scary or unsettling. A cartoon? The imagery and even the physics of this world are definitely of the “Looney Toon” variety. (Perhaps that is why it is not scary.) A story with something important to say?

The book that this film is based on is arguably trying to be just that. It is arguable whether or not that is accomplished, but the mash-up between historical events and the vampire story is designed to highlight and comment on an important issue. Slavery and the years surrounding its abolition, the civil war and all it involved, was indeed the most important period in the history of the US. (Despite what people try to convince us of every election year.)

Not only was this the most decisive moment in our history; it speaks to today’s generation on so many levels. This is why any story involving Lincoln and his contribution to history is so relevant today. It is also why “Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter” is so disappointing. It is not the mash-up aspect. I would welcome this approach as one that could make the principles and meaning more visible.

It could do that, but this film wastes the chance.

The cartoonish, ridiculously unbelievable action elements, and distractingly stylized visuals of this movie, make any serious reflection impossible. This was a missed opportunity.


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