Everyone's Invited (1 Timothy 2:1-7)

The first step in dealing with the false teaching that plagues the church is to understand the nature of the Gospel. Whatever doctrines were around in Paul’s day, they seemed to be leading people to speculate about who would benefit from the story of Jesus and who wouldn’t. They appeared to only be praying for, and likely only concerning themselves with people that “fit the bill.” Paul tells Timothy to teach the church to minister to everyone.

Sure, we know that not all people will accept the gift offered in the Gospel. However, it is open to anyone. It is not our job to decide who gets the story and who doesn’t. It is simply our job to share. Our current crop of faulty teaching tends to have the same effect as in Paul’s day. We get away from the simple yet profound truth of the Gospel and start trying to be too clever in our understanding and we always get away from our main task.

There is only one God. He is the God of all people, whether they acknowledge Him or not. There is only one way to a restored relationship with God, whether people accept that truth or not. Our task is to spread these truths as far and wide as we can. We are told that God desires all people to be saved. Where did we get the impression that we are supposed to filter how the message is shared?

To avoid faulty teaching, make sure you and yours are sharing the story with everyone.


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