Comming to "Community" Late

Jeff: I discovered at a very early age that if I talk long enough, I can make anything right or wrong. So either I'm God or truth is relative. In either case, booyah!

Duncan: Interesting, it's just that the average person has a much harder time saying 'booyah' to moral relativism.

I have been wanting to watch “Community” for a long time. It has been getting positive buzz as a funny, yet intelligent comedy for years. Of course I had to wait for it to make its way to Germany and then become cheap. All that having happened; I am wading in.

So far, I haven’t been disappointed. The set up involves a self-obsessed lawyer who has to go back to school to actually get a degree. He resents having to do anything that involves work and sets about doing what he always has done. He looks for people to use. In the above conversation he expresses his philosophy of life. It is a pretty good summary of our culture’s world view.

All of that would not make for a very fun comedy; however it doesn’t leave things there. The whole point of the show is the way the “community” begins to change Jeff into a human being. And that is the sort of growth and change that makes for a good story. Not to mention all the other characters and journeys in store.

Now I just wish I hadn’t hit this pop-culture wave so late. Things appear to be rocky in the shows current (fourth) season.


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