NonModern Nugget: Faith vs. Knowledge

True faith, the kind that saves, is not the absence of doubt. Just as courage is not the absence of fear. We are brave when we do what we must in spite of fear. We believe when we trust in spite of doubts. It is, after all, the assurance of things hoped for, not something you can always see.

Somewhere along the way we have made faith an intellectual belief that has no impact on life. It is enough to claim you accept a truth. It is unacceptable to question said statement or to have moments of doubt. However, since a statement of historic fact has no bearing on daily life in the present, we are not often even put in a position where doubt has to be considered.

The true nature of Biblical faith is found in placing our lives in the hands and control of a God who cannot be proven, excepting where that trust is rewarded. The very nature of that sort of faith makes questions and doubts unavoidable. But questions and doubts do not negate faith; they merely provide us with the means to exercise it.

Biblical faith is scary. Living that life is the adventure that everyone longs for but few dare to pursue.


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