A New Anticipated Films of 2012 Post

[Updated Again]
Now that we are approaching the most important season for film, here is a look back at what was most anticipated here on NonModern, and a revised Top 20 for the rest of the year:

Three of our original films got pushed back to next year:

25. ā€œJack the Giant Killerā€ moved to 2013

24. ā€œHansel and Gretelā€ moved to 2013

8. ā€œWorld War Zā€ moved to 2013

I have managed to catch seven films that were on my list:

22. ā€œPrometheusā€ ***

21. ā€œChronicleā€ ***

19. ā€œMen in Black IIIā€ ***

15. ā€œThe Avengersā€ *****

12. ā€œBraveā€ *****

6. ā€œThe Woman in Blackā€ ***

3. ā€œDark Knight Risesā€ *****

And six others have been released (in the States at least) but I have not yet seen them: (I should manage them all by the time my year end evaluation roles around in February.)

17. ā€œThe Cabin in the Woodsā€  Seen ****

16. ā€œThe Ravenā€  Seen ***

14. ā€œParaNormanā€  Seen ***

11. ā€œDark Shadowsā€  Seen ****

10. ā€œPirates: The Band of Misfitsā€

4. ā€œAbraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunterā€  Seen **

So that leaves 9 films that were on my list with an additional 12 films that I have added: (Original rank for those that were on the old list in parenthesis)

*. (20) ā€œHotel Transilvaniaā€ 28/9/12 (USA) 25/10/12 (Germany)
Seen ***

This one went on my list when all we knew about it was a title. The more I learn the less I am interested. This one could have dropped right off the list altogether.

**. ā€œV/H/Sā€ 5/10/12 (USA)

I am always on the lookout for creative, new takes on the horror genre. The number of these that end up really good is very small. [As more information comes out about this entry, it is dropping in appeal.  It appears to be more of a disturb and sicken effort than a scary, thought provoking horror piece.]  [After even further research this film is no longer on my anticipated list.  It sounds terrible and unappealing outside of perhaps the last segment in the anthology.]

19. ā€œKilling Them Softlyā€ 29/11/12 (Germany) 30/11/12 (USA)

This one is not a theme or story that particularly interests me, but the performances look like they are going to be really good.

18. ā€œZero Dark 30ā€ 19/12/12 (USA) 10/1/13 (Germany)

I have serious fears that this one will be a flop. It was being made before the success of the mission caused them to change the story very last minute.

17. ā€œArgoā€ 12/10/12 (USA) 8/11/12 (Germany)

Intrigue, suspense and real life events are an enticing combination.

16. ā€œLes Miserablesā€ 14/12/12 (USA) 13/2/13 (Germany)

I have never experienced this story in any format. This seems to be the time.

15. ā€œAlex Crossā€ 19/10/12 (USA)

I like sleuth stories and I liked the other adaptations of Alex Cross stories.

14. ā€œSeven Psychopathsā€ 12/10/12 (USA) 6/12/12 (Germany)

This one looks just crazy enough to be entertaining, and I liked ā€œIn Brugesā€ alright.

13. (23) ā€œLe Magazin des Suicidesā€ 26/9/12 (France)

This one still looks perversely funny, and often such stories have a lot more to say than one would think.

12. (13) ā€œFrankenweenieā€


11. (18) ā€œThe Masterā€ 21/9/12 (USA)

This film is less of a ā€œdesired viewingā€ and more of a ā€œmust seeā€ for me.

10. (9) ā€œDjango Unchainedā€ 25/12/12 (USA) 17/1/13 (Germany)

This one looks like the fun Tarantino variety and not the simply disturbing.

9. (7) ā€œSkyfallā€ 1/11/12 (Germany) 9/11/12 (USA)
Seen *****

The more I watch old Bond this year the more I (a) am lessening my appreciation of the series but (b) increasing my esteem for the Craig era.

8. (5) ā€œJohn Dies at the Endā€ ??

When will we get to experience this bizarre film?

7. ā€œCloud Atlasā€ 26/10/12 (USA) 18/11/12 (Germany)

I canā€™t say for sure that I am truly excited about this story because we simply donā€™t know enough about it yet. But what I see makes me want to see more.

6. ā€œSinisterā€ 5/10/12 (USA) 22/11/12 (Germany)

I have wanted to watch a Scott Derrickson film for a long time now, and this one looks more appealing than any of his so far.

5. ā€œFlightā€ 2/11/12 (USA) 7/2/13 (Germany)

This one came out of nowhere. It looks like it will be a great story, and it is Zemeckis doing live action again, which is a great thing.

4. ā€œThe Impossibleā€ 11/10/12 (Spain)

I donā€™t know if I will be able to sit through this film.

3. (2) ā€œLooperā€ 28/9/12 (USA) 3/10/12 (Germany)
Seen *****

So far I have no reason not to seek out every film Ryan Johnson makes.

2. (1) ā€œThe Hobbit: An Unexpected Journeyā€ 13/12/12 (Germany) 14/12/12 (USA)
Seen *****

To be honest, the knowledge that Jackson is going to milk three films out of this does not excite me. If I have one complaint about all of his films it is that they are too long and they all need tighter editing. He does, however, do a respectful job with Tolkien and I love this story.

1. ā€œLincolnā€ 16/11/12 (USA)

We have been hearing about this film for years. I am glad it is finally here. This may be one of the most important historical stories told, and I for one believe it has important implications for culture today.


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