A New Anticipated Films of 2012 Post

[Updated Again]
Now that we are approaching the most important season for film, here is a look back at what was most anticipated here on NonModern, and a revised Top 20 for the rest of the year:

Three of our original films got pushed back to next year:

25. “Jack the Giant Killer” moved to 2013

24. “Hansel and Gretel” moved to 2013

8. “World War Z” moved to 2013

I have managed to catch seven films that were on my list:

22. “Prometheus” ***

21. “Chronicle” ***

19. “Men in Black III” ***

15. “The Avengers” *****

12. “Brave” *****

6. “The Woman in Black” ***

3. “Dark Knight Rises” *****

And six others have been released (in the States at least) but I have not yet seen them: (I should manage them all by the time my year end evaluation roles around in February.)

17. “The Cabin in the Woods”  Seen ****

16. “The Raven”  Seen ***

14. “ParaNorman”  Seen ***

11. “Dark Shadows”  Seen ****

10. “Pirates: The Band of Misfits”

4. “Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter”  Seen **

So that leaves 9 films that were on my list with an additional 12 films that I have added: (Original rank for those that were on the old list in parenthesis)

*. (20) “Hotel Transilvania” 28/9/12 (USA) 25/10/12 (Germany)
Seen ***

This one went on my list when all we knew about it was a title. The more I learn the less I am interested. This one could have dropped right off the list altogether.

**. “V/H/S” 5/10/12 (USA)

I am always on the lookout for creative, new takes on the horror genre. The number of these that end up really good is very small. [As more information comes out about this entry, it is dropping in appeal.  It appears to be more of a disturb and sicken effort than a scary, thought provoking horror piece.]  [After even further research this film is no longer on my anticipated list.  It sounds terrible and unappealing outside of perhaps the last segment in the anthology.]

19. “Killing Them Softly” 29/11/12 (Germany) 30/11/12 (USA)

This one is not a theme or story that particularly interests me, but the performances look like they are going to be really good.

18. “Zero Dark 30” 19/12/12 (USA) 10/1/13 (Germany)

I have serious fears that this one will be a flop. It was being made before the success of the mission caused them to change the story very last minute.

17. “Argo” 12/10/12 (USA) 8/11/12 (Germany)

Intrigue, suspense and real life events are an enticing combination.

16. “Les Miserables” 14/12/12 (USA) 13/2/13 (Germany)

I have never experienced this story in any format. This seems to be the time.

15. “Alex Cross” 19/10/12 (USA)

I like sleuth stories and I liked the other adaptations of Alex Cross stories.

14. “Seven Psychopaths” 12/10/12 (USA) 6/12/12 (Germany)

This one looks just crazy enough to be entertaining, and I liked “In Bruges” alright.

13. (23) “Le Magazin des Suicides” 26/9/12 (France)

This one still looks perversely funny, and often such stories have a lot more to say than one would think.

12. (13) “Frankenweenie”


11. (18) “The Master” 21/9/12 (USA)

This film is less of a “desired viewing” and more of a “must see” for me.

10. (9) “Django Unchained” 25/12/12 (USA) 17/1/13 (Germany)

This one looks like the fun Tarantino variety and not the simply disturbing.

9. (7) “Skyfall” 1/11/12 (Germany) 9/11/12 (USA)
Seen *****

The more I watch old Bond this year the more I (a) am lessening my appreciation of the series but (b) increasing my esteem for the Craig era.

8. (5) “John Dies at the End” ??

When will we get to experience this bizarre film?

7. “Cloud Atlas” 26/10/12 (USA) 18/11/12 (Germany)

I can’t say for sure that I am truly excited about this story because we simply don’t know enough about it yet. But what I see makes me want to see more.

6. “Sinister” 5/10/12 (USA) 22/11/12 (Germany)

I have wanted to watch a Scott Derrickson film for a long time now, and this one looks more appealing than any of his so far.

5. “Flight” 2/11/12 (USA) 7/2/13 (Germany)

This one came out of nowhere. It looks like it will be a great story, and it is Zemeckis doing live action again, which is a great thing.

4. “The Impossible” 11/10/12 (Spain)

I don’t know if I will be able to sit through this film.

3. (2) “Looper” 28/9/12 (USA) 3/10/12 (Germany)
Seen *****

So far I have no reason not to seek out every film Ryan Johnson makes.

2. (1) “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” 13/12/12 (Germany) 14/12/12 (USA)
Seen *****

To be honest, the knowledge that Jackson is going to milk three films out of this does not excite me. If I have one complaint about all of his films it is that they are too long and they all need tighter editing. He does, however, do a respectful job with Tolkien and I love this story.

1. “Lincoln” 16/11/12 (USA)

We have been hearing about this film for years. I am glad it is finally here. This may be one of the most important historical stories told, and I for one believe it has important implications for culture today.


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