NonModern Nugget: Missional Perspective

Western Christianity has become excited about the global mission of God. They are obsessed with the nations. It is not a bad obsession, and the teaching is Biblical, but sometimes it seems like the doctrine and practice are out of sync. It is not that churches are not participating in the global mission of God, but rather that they are misunderstanding the nature of their role.

God is on mission around the world. He is drawing people to Himself and He is using His people to do so. He even calls some to leave the place where they are to take the message to new places. But sometimes it feels like churches read the global mission as a mandate for them as a local body. The main task of a church in Smalltown, U.S.A. as it relates to the global mission is to be Christ in Smalltown. Sure they need to be aware of movements around the world and support those movements, but if they drop the ball where they are, then they are failing in their role.

Too many churches and Christians find it more appealing to focus their thoughts, prayers and part-time action everywhere but right where God has them planted. It is far more interesting and exciting to devote a week or two a year to travel and adventure than to do the hard work of ministry at home.

If you are not doing your part for the Mission where you are then your passion for the nations may just be a romantic notion.


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