Pastorals: Introduction

As I reach the last three letters of Paul, I realize that I have given these less attention than any other of his writings. Sure, I have read them and even studied portions of them, but I have not ever really taken a good, long hard look at them as a whole.

I think many believers may be in the same boat. About the only time the church remembers to look at these books is when they want to deal with the church leadership. After all, these books are for pastors, not believers at large, right?

I look forward to taking the same approach to these books as I have the rest of Paul’s writings over the past few years. Not as an expert or someone who already knows the material and wants to clarify it, but rather as a believer looking to see how these passages impact my life and the churches I am responsible for helping. I especially think these books will be helpful to the new, simple communities that are being formed and multiplying and interested more in what Scripture—not tradition—has to say.


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