Fifth Anniversary of NonModernBlog

Five years ago today, NonModernBlog was born. It was an afterthought, an exercise. I started it merely as a discipline, and to be honest it still is. Maybe a habit. It wasnā€™t until January 1, 2008 that I set out the ā€œrulesā€ that govern this blog and began to write not out of inspiration, but routine. I wondered at the time how I was going to be able to come up with enough coherent thoughts to maintain a daily habit. For the first 4 years I took weekends off. Now I find myself sometimes weeks in advance, with more ideas than days. It is not all important. It is not any of it really to be read. Not that I am not honored that people do read what I write. But I still write for me and I guess the day that that changes will be the day that I quit.

Five years is a big deal, not just for the investment, but because it seems to be a bit of a benchmark on the internet. Michael Hyatt over at his blog claims that the 5 year mark is when things really began to take off readership-wise. Weā€™ll see what happens here. So far he may be right. Here is a chart showing average monthly page-views from 2008 to 2012 so far. April 2012 was the first month to break 10,000 page-views in a month!

(Now I just need to figure out how to inspire people to comment more, and to officially join the ā€œNon-Herdā€ up there on the right of the page.) -->


  1. Congratulations on 5 years! Quite an accomplishment! Quick do you track your readership?

    1. Thanks, Deanna! I don't have a great way. I compare Analytics with blogger's own tracking. My problem is Analytics tracks my blog under two different addresses. Another good tool is google's webmaster tools. It shows me what searches turn up my sight, how high my result is and how many people click on it. The numbers here are based mostly on Blogger.

  2. Woohoo!! Congrats on 5 years. I'll take greater care to not read ;) and comment.

    Seriously though, I've often said to my wife I should start blogging purely to practice one aspect of the art of communicating and then I'm like "what would I write about".

    1. I'd read your stuff. I'm sure it would be right up my alley. Remember when we were both writing "books" back in middle school? I think I still have that notebook lying around here somewhere.


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