An "Oldy" That Needs to Be Reintroduced

Sometimes it seems that we live in a culture of the “here and now.” No one is too concerned with classic thought or greatness from even a few decades ago. Everything is about the latest phenomenon. Christian culture is no different. The only variation is that believers aren’t really aware of what the culture at large is consuming. (Which leads to a gross failure on their part to fulfill their mandate to influence it.) Instead, in the area of books for example, they are only concerned with the latest tome telling them how to impact a culture with which they are wholly out of touch. (And none of those “how-to's” suggest picking up the latest best seller!)

Shockingly, not every great idea or story that merits hearing or reading has been published in the past six months. Some of them happened and were published years ago. They can still serve to inspire and educate today. One such example is “Through Gates of Splendor” by Elisabeth Elliot. Many people are still aware of this story having heard about it from “old people,” or they may have seen the recent documentaries or movies based on the same events. However, more people should pick this old book up today and read it.

It may have happened so long ago it seems like it takes place in a different world, but some of the differences could serve to change people for the better today. These men and women who felt led by God to lay their lives on the line for the gospel would likely not be allowed to do something similar today. As a culture or as a church we have lost sight of value. We consider some costs to be too high, even for the sake of something like sharing the story of ultimate sacrifice.

When did God’s call become so cheap that it is traded for comfort or hurt feelings, let alone life threatening danger?


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