TMI or TMMe?

This blog, all 1200 posts and counting, has always been about trying to bring rational, intentional thought to the discussion—albeit from a specific perspective. To some degree it has been a reaction against the self-absorption that endangers so much of the blogosphere. It is frankly amazing the stuff you can read out there. How do some people think it is a good idea to share the thoughts, experiences and choices they contemplate and make with the whole world? Is it a case of failure to realize that they are sharing too much information?

(If you read this blog regularly and know that I read yours and wonder if I am referring to your content, rest assured I am not thinking of any blogs I regularly read. That being said, think about what you share.)

The problem, I think, does not lie in a lack of shame or the inability to realize the impact that our stories have. (Frankly, most blogs are not read enough to have an impact or merit shame. This one certainly isn’t!) Instead, we live in a time when more and more people in western culture haven’t made it through the adolescent process of metacognition. They are stuck in a self-absorbed state where they believe the world is fascinated with them. They entertain an imaginary audience. They see their experiences as truly unique and something that will benefit the rest of the world. It is a part of the ‘Cult of Self”; a case of “too much me.”

Earlier generations weren’t necessarily more private or capable of shame. They may not have been more humble even. They just had a better handle on reality and their place in the grand scheme of things.


  1. Very well said! I am with you on this. Think you're right on.


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