"Illusion" Giveaway!

I have a copy of Frank Peretti’s “Illusion” that I will be giving away sometime in the next couple of weeks. More on how you can win it in a bit…

I have enjoyed Peretti’s work for years now. One of the best things about his fiction is the way he tells a great story that communicates and even teaches without trying to preach. His goal is to tell a story. (That is a rare thing in Christian fiction these days. For some reason many Christian authors feel pressure to deliver a message instead of a well constructed plot.) So, when I was approached to review his latest, I jumped at the chance. To make things even better, the publisher is sending me two copies, so I can give one away.

I have never tried this before, but here is how I think it will work: Between now and when I review the book (sometime around March 29) every comment you make on NonModernBlog will get you one entry in the drawing. You can comment on any and as many posts on this blog, but interact with what is being said. Don’t just say, “I am entering to win ‘Illusion.’” on every one of the 1200 posts here!

If you need help with ideas, post a comment here telling me your favorite Peretti book with a sentence or two explaining why you like it.

Also, if you tweet—NonModern is giving away a copy of “Illusion”—with a link to this post, it’ll get you an extra 5 entries.

Get at it, and good luck!


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