Shorts 2011

Animated short films are a strange branch of the cinematic arts. They are often hard for people to see, and yet they consistently present us with some of the most interesting and creative storytelling. With the internet and streaming options available these days, people should be encouraged to seek out more of this art form. Three of this yearā€™s crop of Academy Award nominees are currently available to see for free. (ā€œA Morning Strollā€ is not currently free. ā€œLa Luna,ā€ Pixarā€™s entry, has not been released yet. The ā€œrealā€ 2011 Pixar short failed to measure up to their standardsā€”their feature failed in the same wayā€”so apparently they have been allowed to submit the short that will be attached to ā€œBraveā€ because it was shown at a festival in 2011.)

ā€œDimancheā€ (ā€œSundayā€ in English) is an interesting film technically, but the story is half-baked and the animation matches that sentiment.

ā€œWildlifeā€ by Forbis and Tilby is a dramatic study of the poor choices of an Englishman who wanted to be a rancher in Canada. The animation is beautiful and creatively conceived. The storytelling technique is also novel, for animation. The story itself: tragic. It is a great warning for those who would desire a romantic vision without the mundane work required to realize it. Teens-agers and midlife-crisisers take heed.

ā€œThe Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmoreā€ by Joyce and Oldenburg is rather standard by todayā€™s technical standards. This sort of animation is a common albeit well done. However, the story itself is a beautiful poem to the love and culture of books. The way books and the stories they carry make life a richer experience. Ironically, this ode to books is also the launch of a new iPad App. So maybe that love of books only goes so farā€¦


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