Film Questions

The following seven multiple choice questions will reveal a lot about the average film fan’s personality, generation and attitudes. As more participation is tabulated, a better picture of current Western Culture will emerge:

1. When viewing “The Bridge on the River Kwai.” You think to yourself: 
a. Alec Guinness was an amazing talent!
b. If you put a beard on that guy, he could almost be Obi-Wan Kenobi!
c. This is old and boring!
d. Comet.

2. When I want to laugh without thinking, I turn to: 
a. Jerry Lewis
b. Pauly Shore
c. Larry the Cable Guy
d. Any of the above
e. Stupid is not funny, real comedy requires thought.

3. The best example of Science Fiction as a parable of truth is: 
a. “Godzilla”
b. “2001: A Space Odyssey”
c. “Blade Runner”
d. “Minority Report”

4. The best movie in the following list is: 
a. “Citizen Cane”
b. “Vertigo”
c. “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”
d. “The Godfather”
e. “The Empire Strikes Back”
f. “The Shawshank Redemption”
g. “The Dark Knight”

5. Film Critics: 
a. Are idiots, I only watch movies the critics didn’t like!
b. Are geniuses, I rely on them to help me decide what to see.
c. Generate helpful conversation about film and keep audiences thinking.

6. When I watch non-English language films, I prefer: 
a. to watch them with subtitles.
b. to watch them dubbed.
c. I don’t watch them, only English speakers have interesting stories to tell.
d. They make movies in other languages?

7. The best sort of scares in film are found in: 
a. “Frankenstein”
b. “Them!”
c. “The Exorcist”
d. “Saw”
e. “An Inconvenient Truth”


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