Most Anticipated Films of 2012

[Updated January 20, 2012]

This is a tough exercise every year, with a lot of films not announced that will likely take the places of some of these, but here goes:

25. Jack the Giant Killer [This film has been pushed back to 2013]
I have always had a soft spot for this story. Maybe Singer will make it something extra special.

24. Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
This is likely to go the route of a mindless, action romp. Perhaps Wirkola will capture some of the fairy-tale atmosphere this story should evoke. Then again, Dead Snow was a very mixed bagā€¦

23. Le Magasin des Suicides
This just looks wrong. That might make it one of the best of the year.

22. Prometheus
Could this possibly measure up to the hype?

21. Chronicle
This whole ā€œcaptured footageā€ technique is getting old, but the theme this story is looking at is one of my favorites.

20. Hotel Transilvania
An animated look at some of my favorite guilty pleasure themes and the feature debut of one of the best TV animators of the past twenty years.

19. Men in Black III
This franchise has been fun so farā€¦

18. The Master
Not sure if this will actually make it into theaters this year, but when it does it is a must see for people interested in the dangers of religion.

17. The Cabin in the Woods
Joss Whedon is increasingly the only reason to still check this one out. The previews are not making it look special.

16. The Raven
Cusack as Poe.

15. The Avengers
Probably not much better than the five films leading up to it, but we are all on for the ride arenā€™t we?

14. ParaNorman
I love it when ā€œkidā€™s storiesā€ break ā€œkidā€™s storyā€ taboos.

13. Frankenweenie
The short is good; will that translate into a great feature?

12. Brave
Pixar returns to originality.

11. Dark Shadows
As evidenced by #13, I am not quite ready to give up on Burton. This year might change all thatā€¦

10. Pirates! The Band of Misfits
Aardman Animation has had mixed results when it strays away from Wallace and Gromit, but this one looks promisingly silly.

9. Django Unchained
Tarantino does the old west.

8. World War Z
Zombies all played out as a story device? Apparently not yet.

7. Skyfall
Bond is obligatory viewing when served.

6. The Woman in Black
Post Harry Radcliffe chooses creepy, British ghost story.

5. John Dies at the End
This one looks just insane enough to be brilliantā€¦ or terrible.

4. Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter
A title in search of a story. Those donā€™t always work so well. This director has potential, though.

3. The Dark Knight Rises
Nolan and Batman have not tripped yet.

2. Looper
Brick, Brothers Bloom, and finally now another film from one of the most promising directors of the young century.

1. The Hobbit

Others to keep an eye on: The Bourne Legacy, Gangster Squad, Haywire, Mirror Mirror, Neighborhood Watch, Safe House


  1. I always appreciate your movie insights. This was fun to read. Your twitter-length summaries are brilliant.

  2. Thank you, Deanna. I love it when someone thinks I am "brilliant." I didn't put enough effort in this for that assessment, though!


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