End of the Year 2011

Thanks for reading, please consider following, tell others about NonModern, and of course keep visiting! Here is some data about the blog’s performance for 2011:

Entries in 2011: 298 (2010 was 278)

Page Views: 35,400+ (Up from 14,500+ in 2010 and 7,851 in 2009)

Visits came from 2,452 cities on six continents.

Countries: 124 and all 50 States

Top ten countries by viewers: USA, UK, Germany, Austria, Canada, Australia, Philippines, India, Brazil, France

Top ten states by viewers: Texas, California, Georgia, New York, Florida, Illinois, New Mexico, Tennessee, Virginia, Ohio

(For comparison here is the 2010 entry.)

Some of the most viewed entries in December:

A Buffy Excursus: Repentance

“Fringe” Season One

Further Styrian Adventures: Monsters

An Illustration for Yesterdays Post

“Midnight in Paris”

Inception: A (Spoiler Heavy) Critique

The Twitter Experiment

The Buffy Rewatch (Season 7a)


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