1981 in Film

1980 may have been a tough year to rate here, but 1981 is decidedly harder. One of the more entertaining tools one can use to help rate films and jog the memory is over at www.flickchart.com. However, a perusal through 1981’s films makes one wonder where a bunch of those movies have been hiding for the past thirty years; though most don’t make one want to go find them. Here are the meager memories of 1981 from NonModernBlog:

Personal Best Films of 1981: 

1. Chariots of Fire
2. Raiders of the Lost Ark
3. The Great Muppet Caper
4. Buddy Buddy
5. For Your Eyes Only
6. Clash of the Titans
7. The Fox and the Hound

Films I Still Need to See:
On Golden Pond
Time Bandits
Die Bleierne Zeit
Christane F. Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo


  1. time bandits is awesome....but super weird... =]


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