Prayer and Action

When you pray for something, you need to be prepared for the change. Most people pray for change in one way or another, even if they are praying for things to go back to the way they were, since that assumes that a change reversal is being petitioned which is also change.

The thing that is most likely to be changed when we pray is us. Often that is simply because the answer to our prayers is a call to action. We need to remember when we pray to listen and to respond.

This week we had the interesting experience of answered prayer. The prayer was for a place to live for the next year when we will have to temporarily reside in another country. As time has ticked down and the date to leave gets ever nearer, the city we are being sent to has revealed itself to be a terrible place to find a home for a family of six. So, our prayer this week was, “God, please give us a place by the end of the week.”

The answer was quick. Within 48 hours we had a home, (not our ideal but apparently God’s plan) but it was not handed to us on a platter. I had to drive 14 hours round trip to beat the next interested party by 30 minutes. As we signed the contract and the ink was still wet, another realtor came into the room with a family ready to take the same place.

All along the process there were questions. Why do we have to go in person in this day in age? Why can’t we find a place that matches all of our demands? Why did the internet (or the user) mess up the flight plans forcing a drive? And for every question we had there are several more for the year to come.

Here comes change.


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