1987 in Film

1987 was a year of misses, cinematically speaking. There were a lot of ideas that year that could have been interesting if explored right, but most were not used well. (Near Dark, Robocop) Others hold a fond place to children of the eighties, but are more like guilty pleasures. (Adventures in Babysitting, Roxanne, Monster Squad, Spaceballs)

Top Ten Personal Films of 1987:
*. Anne of Avonlee
1. The Princess Bride
2. Raising Arizona
3. Innerspace
4. Lost Boys
5. The Untouchables
6. Dear America
7. Radio Days
8. Three Men and a Baby
9. Predator
10. Fatal Attraction

Bottom or Most Disappointing Films of 1987:
-5. Robocop
-4. Masters of the Universe
-3. The Witches of Eastwick
-2. Over the Top
-1. Leonard Part 6

Films I Still Have to See:
Empire of the Sun


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