End of the Year 2010

The NonModern experiment had another year with growing success. I again had fun sharing thoughts and maintaining a habit of thinking and writing about culture, and the things going on around me. After three plus years it is a habit that is hopefully beneficial to a few people.

Coming up in 2011: More thoughts on film with reviews and critiques of 2010 movies and other years as well as continued lists by year and decade. Further exploration of the western genre, and finally a look at some of the more influential German films. Hopefully, an increase in reviews and thoughts on books. Reflections on television shows will continue including a year-long series of entries on each season of Buffy tying in with a major re-watch occurring online next year here. Further entries are coming taking us through Ephesians and Philippians, then more Paul. On a personal level, I plan on reviewing my Hebrew and doing more with it, but I don’t know if that will make its way onto the blog. There is also an idea I am toying around with concerning German idioms.

Thanks for reading and keep visiting! As always, feel free to comment!

Here is some data about the blog’s performance for 2010:

Entries in 2010: 278 (Weekdays in 2010: 261)

Page Views: 14,500+ (Up from 7,851 in 2009)

Visits came from 1,810 cities on six continents.

Countries: 107 and all 50 States

Top ten countries by viewers: USA, Germany, UK, Canada, India, Australia, Brazil, Spain, Phillipines, Italy

Top ten states by viewers: Texas, California, Georgia, Virginia, Washington, New York, New Mexico, Florida, Illinois, Montana

Some of the most viewed entries in 2010:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Top Films: Bram Stoker’s Dracula

When Weblog Becomes Dream Journal

Christmas Song Problems

The Mentalist

Inception: A (Spoiler Heavy) Critique

More Top Films: High Noon

Redeeming Halloween

Top Films: Butterfly Circus

You Are Leaving the American Sector


  1. Looking forward to the coming year. Your blog is one of my favorites.

  2. Wow, Deanna! Thanks for reading. It always helps to know that there are people who like reading this stuff. I look forward to your postaweek next year!


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