Romans 6:1-23 (Life and Death)

We have been saved by grace through faith and in no way have we earned any of God’s approval. Jesus did all of that for us on the cross. So, should those of us who believe and are trusting God for our salvation go on living our lives however we wish—counting on His graceful forgiveness? There are those who would say yes, and that is taught in many churches today. The problem is that someone who is truly saved will not want to live their life as they always have up until then. The desire of the saved is to please God. That is the nature of the new life that we live. Sin should now be unnatural.

The idea of this chapter is that we live in a choice. Having chosen to believe God, we no longer live under the lordship of sin. We are slaves to righteousness. We are no longer to present ourselves as weapons of evil. The choice that we made and that changed us needs to be an active and continuous choice going forward.

In the end it is all about life and death. Since we are alive in Christ, we should no longer serve the cause of death. The problem that a lot of Christians face is that they see the danger and evil that sin is but they fail to understand the process of sanctification. Having turned away from sin, they continue to live under the law. The law highlights sin and death. Its focus is death. Legalism does not aid sanctification—it highlights sin. We need to grow in grace and focus on life in Christ.


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