Romans 4 (Solely Faith)

Abraham was righteous because God said he was, not because he lived blamelessly. God declared him righteous because of his faith. In chapter four of Romans, Paul describes this faith by pointing out that Abraham simply believed whatever God said. He trusted God.

In the same way, today, we are saved when we believe God’s promise. When He says that we are justified by Him, we trust that we are. It is not about anything that we do, but rather trusting that God will do what He has promised.

When I was a child, I spent a couple of years worrying about my salvation. I used to periodically re-pray “the prayer,” just in case I had done it wrong. Eventually, I realized that I was trusting in something I was doing and not resting in the promise God had made.

Once we realize that we are sinners and separated from God… and when we hear that He has taken care of that problem and has offered us a chance to once again be in a relationship with Him… all that is left for us to do is believe that God is faithful to do what He has promised and rejoice in our relationship with Him. Then we are free to grow in that relationship by daily walking with Him.


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