How I Spent My Summer Vacation.

I had 60 days to visit the land of my birth this year. Here is a little of how I spent those days:

I spent 1 waiting at my house since my plane was cancelled.

I spent 12 days driving 4 or more hours in a wonderfully big car that some very dear friends let me drive. (Much more than 4 hours on several of those days.)

I spent 2 flying to and from the USA and 2 days flying to some meetings I had to attend.

I spent 4 days at those meetings, where they told us what our time in the USA would be like.

I spent 5 days telling churches what it was like to be me.

(I spent 7 days back at home since I couldnā€™t get my kids out of school for more than 2 weeks.)

I spent the remaining 27 of the 60 days briefly visiting family and friendsā€”many for the first time in four years.

It was tiring. It was hard. Butā€¦ It was good.


  1. And we missed seeing you altogether. :( But Mama sure was happy!

  2. We loved seeing you guys. We will be getting skype set up soon. I know you are all happy to be HOME. I hope you can get some much needed rest, and that this not so restful trip was able to somehow 'refresh' you for the next four years. We love you and continue praying for you.

  3. We LOVED being with you! I think we'll be getting the camera, too. I want to see you!


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