Face of God

This is an old one, written nearly 20 years ago. Wow.

I've been wandering,
Through the days of my youth,
Simply taking things in.
And it amazes me,
How this old world,
Is so troubled with sin.

Doctors killing babies,
Husbands beating their wives,
The innocence of children is lost.
People chasing happiness,
Their lives are falling apart.
Where could true love have gone?

And I see the face of God,
The tears in His eyes because,
The world is lost and alone.
Oh how He loves us so,
The sacrifice He gave to show,
The only true source of hope.

I must live each day,
Shining light on the way,
To Heavens narrow gates,
A pure example,
Of Him living in me.
I will walk my life in faith.

And I pray to God,
That people I come across,
Will see in me His face.
Let my life be used,
Let me go and share the news,
Of His redeeming grace.

I see the face of God,
The joy in His eyes,
I have chosen to obey.
I'll let my life be used,
I'll go and share the news,
Of His redeeming Grace.


  1. And you have done what you purposed to do. Keep on keeping on.
    It will be worth the sacrifices.


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