The Danger of Bad Doctrine

NonModernBlog had addressed the issue of prayer before. At the time it was simply an exploration of thoughts and beliefs on prayer from a personal perspective. As it turns out, it has some very important implications. The statement “prayer changes things” is an example of something one says without having given much thought to what one is saying. If prayer changes things then it has power and it we have a problem with the sovereignty of God.

You see, some people actually believe that prayer is like magic. It really does change things, or more precisely praying people change things. They would say that it is all a matter of praying with enough faith. If you ask for something in the right faith, then God HAS to do what you ask. They would also say that you fail to see prayers answered in the way you would like when you lack faith.

Others today teach the non-Biblical thought that God CANNOT send Jesus back to the earth until the Church prepares the way with prayer and praise. They no longer merely see praise as something the God deserves and prayer as communication with our heavenly Father; it is the necessary magic ingredient in bringing about the end of the world.

Some even take it so far as to say that not only is God dependant on the Church to achieve His planes, but these plans can be thwarted. Some of these “Prayer and Praise” people are teaching that Germany was used by Satan in the 20th Century to PREVENT God from accomplishing His plans.

The implications if these false teachings are causing some parts of the Church to take their eyes off the task we have been given to devote time and energy to something that is wholly God’s occupation.


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