Strategic Missional Principles: Flexible

Imagine a driven, hard working Missional Christian. They really do combine life with ministry. They spend 40 hours a week or more in a routine that exposes the message they have to as many people as possible. They do not use Missional living as an excuse not to “work.” The only problem is, even though they are meeting tons of people and developing relationships, they are not seeing church develop.

Maybe the problem is that they are so BUSY being Missional, they are failing to see where God wants them to be. The opportunities are there, they are just somehow missing them all.

Good strategy provides for flexibility. Think about it. If you have a clearly defined goal and end vision, you free yourself up to change directions midstream when you see a better way to get to your goal. Some strategies are so over thought that people become focused on the WAY they are moving and forget they are headed someWHERE.

If you are going to be non-programmatic, relational and Spirit-led, then it almost demands that you remain flexible. Any plans you make for the next week, month or year may have to be tossed out when circumstances reveal a better way. (That better way being where God is going as opposed to where we were initially headed.) The key is maintaining a balance between flexibility and intentionality.

We should be intentional in the results we seek and not in the methods or plans we have to achieve that goal. That way, we can shift our plans without losing sight of where we are headed.


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