Top Films: The Butterfly Circus

This is the film that Christians aspiring to be filmmakers should check out. That is not to imply that this is a “Christian” film, but it is a good model nonetheless. It does not preach; it tells a story. Sure it conveys a message. It communicates something that is completely in keeping with the message of the Bible. But it is like an enticing appetizer of an idea. People could see this film and be open to hear more about what the film has to say. That is where most “Christian” efforts fall short.

You may think it is the lousy acting that most “Christian” films have. Maybe it is a financial factor that keeps most “Christian” films from having good performers, but it may also have to do with some misguided idea that all actors in “Christian” movies have to be believers. Low production value also hinders “Christian” and other independent efforts. Music is usually a dead giveaway.

Here the acting is good and the music is great. However, the thing that makes this movie great is its story. A lot of Christian audiences will be disappointed that it doesn’t go far enough. It is not explicit in its message. But this movie is not made for Christians, and that is where it succeeds where other efforts have failed.

If you want to share a story with the world, tell a story. If the story is good, its message will be apparent. Unfortunately, most efforts thus far in “Christian” movie making have forgotten that movies are a story-telling medium. They are more concerned with preaching than communicating.

Check it out. You can see it online for free at It is not perfect, but it is a much better effort than a lot of what has been put out there in the past few years. It is about 20 minutes long.


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